The charity that I volunteer for, Reuseyourshoes, has so much going on this Fall
that I've decided to share it all with you via my blog:
that I've decided to share it all with you via my blog:
Just this week, Bucks County Community College was given shoe collection bins and will be holding a campus-wide shoe drive for us! Has anyone visited Tyler Gardens at the Newtown campus? What gorgeous scenery right here in Lower Bucks!
Cub Scout Pack 30 of Yardley PA held a Shoe Drive for us at Shadybrook Farm's Family Fun Night
this Thursday! They collected 300 pairs of donated shoes (and I got my Kettlecorn fix)
Our friends at Shadybrook Farm, Best Darn Kettlecorn, Integrity Auto, Reedman Toll Subaru, Tastefully Simple, and Task Complete have all been very generous in supporting Reuseyourshoes.
this Thursday! They collected 300 pairs of donated shoes (and I got my Kettlecorn fix)
Our friends at Shadybrook Farm, Best Darn Kettlecorn, Integrity Auto, Reedman Toll Subaru, Tastefully Simple, and Task Complete have all been very generous in supporting Reuseyourshoes.
Shadybrook is offering a coupon for $4.00 off of Pumpkinfest or Horrorfest admission with a shoe donation.
We are two weeks into our School Shoe Drive contest, with the school that collects the most shoes for us between now and December 31 winning $1000! We picked up 2 bins full from Poquessing Middle School, and 233 pairs from The Solebury School earlier this week. Your school can still get its "foot in the door" for this contest! Please contact Kevin Kane at
Nicole and Eric from The Solebury School
You can help the Homeless! Our next Shoe Sorting Party will be at Reedman Toll Subaru in Langhorne on Saturday October 29th from 9am until 1pm. We currently have over 12,000 pairs of shoes - just waiting for feet - in our storage unit! We need YOUR help sorting and bagging them, so that we can deliver them to those in need in Camden, Trenton, and Philly. All ages are welcome at our shoe sort events. Please contact Elisa at with questions or to receive emails about our volunteer opportunities.
If you can't make it, please help us spread the word!
If you can't make it, please help us spread the word!
Reedman Toll Sort, April 2011.
Got gently used men's dress shoes? Reuseyourshoes has teamed up with Ready, Willing and Able and Men's Warehouse to provide 100 pairs of men's dress shoes to residents who are ready, willing, and able to go back into the work force. We will be delivering the shoes the day of their annual fashion show, November 2, where the men will try on and select a stylin' new outfit to be worn on job interviews!

Are you a crafter? Know any artists? We are inviting artists and crafters to make an ornament for our first ever Christmas Tree, which will be on display at Treefest 2011 at The Bucks County Convention and Visitor's Bureau from Thanksgiving through the New Year. Anyone who makes us an ornament will listed as as donor. Last year Treefest had over 4,500 visitors! If you are interested, please email Elisa at for details.
Like to get out and socialize? Come join us at our Casino Night FUN Raiser on Saturday Night, November 26th. Tickets can be purchased securely from our website. $40 includes dinner, beer, wine, live music, a DJ, and Founder/Director Kevin Kane as one of the blackjack dealers! 225 tickets available. We are a fun group to party with! Don't say we didn't warn you!
Need new kicks? Bring your old sneakers to Sports Authority in Langhorne and you'll receive a coupon for $25 off of any $100 purchase. Or if you are in Upper Bucks, bring your old shoes to Rugged Interior for 10% off any new walking shoes, trail runners, or hiking boots.
Bring your old shoes and these $100.00 Nike LunarGlide Men's running shoes will only cost $75.00.
Even better, they are made with 3% recycled material!
I saved the best for last! We are thrilled to announce that we will be receiving a grant from LibertyMe.
Last year, LibertyMe awarded two $10,000 grants to local organizations which support families in the greater Philadelphia area. This year they chose Reuseyourshoes as one of their beneficiaries. We will be receiving the grant at their annual Dance Showcase this December!
Thank you Bucks County for your support!