that I moved from Newtown Grant to suburban Yardley within the past few months.
With all moves... with all change... there is good and bad. So much has changed! There's a lot that's different for me now.One of the positive things is that I've been making the time and will remain dedicated to going out walking, exploring and photographing again. I've gotten some freelance photo gigs and breathed some new life into my blog.
Even better is that I rescued a new dog, three year old Fergie, so I have someone to go out exploring with me.
And the best is that there are miles of woods right out my back door!
Every morning Fergie and I walk in these woods. It's good for us to breathe in the cool, fresh air together, and we get to enjoy the beauty and serenity that I crave... the peace, that for me; only nature has to offer.

Yardley, PA.

Late December, 2013.
Talk about color in unexpected places!!
~ Can you believe these photos were taken in the ice and cold of winter? ~

Wolf fur? Dog? Fox? What do you think?

Oh, also... I collect pine cones.
But they have to be ones that I find,
so please don't start dropping them off at my front door :)

Snowy Walk

Icy hike

New best friend and adept Squirrel-chaser.

Snow puffs.

A secret fort!

Always, a little after-walk play time!
"If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere."
~Vincent Van Gogh