It was the warmest day of the year so far and we went home hot and dirty.
We got scratched by thorns when we ventured off the path.
But, today's walk was worth all that for its change of scenery, and the reward of watching the sun set by river's edge.
I didn't intend to write another "Where Am I" post, but does anybody have a quick guess?

I'd been to the visitor's center at Churchville Nature Center at least a dozen times for various events, but was unaware of the trails out back or Lenape Village, a legitimate replica of how the Lenape Indians lived here in the 1500’s.

The trails were twisty, well maintained, and magical.
Meadows, marsh, tall trees, small ponds and a lake were all within our 45 minute walk.

There was an impressive raised boardwalk that led to a clearing. Unexpectedly to me, beyond the clearing there was a lake.

Nothing like being at the waters edge during rush hour!

This was an easy hike as far as hiking goes, but I reccomend visiting Churchville Nature Center if you need a quick change of scenery. The trails are open sunrise to sunset daily, and make sure to check their website for tours, bird-watching, and special events.

"Treat the earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
It was loaned to you by your children."
~Indian Proverb