Here is some information straight from the Jog n' Hog website, since they say it best:
"The third Sunday in July is National Ice Cream Day. Some people celebrate by going to the local ice cream stand and maybe getting a free one-scoop cone. Here at Jog ‘n Hog, we’ve supersized the celebration. Coming back for its fifth installment, the Uncle Dave’s Ice Cream Jog ‘n Hog will take place on Sunday July 17, 2016. Over the past four years we have served over 200 gallons of Uncle Dave’s finest vanilla ice cream, which comes out to over 1.3 million calories!
The gastrointestinally brave can register in the “Whole Hogger Division,” which involves eating one quart of ice cream at the race’s halfway point. Those who are less confident in their eating ability can register in the “Half Hogger Division,” which involves eating one pint of ice cream."
Here are some of my photos from Jog n' Hog 2015. Will I see you at Jog n' Hog 2016?

Girls just wanna have fun!

So do the guys.

"I thought they said RUM."

If you want to PIG OUT like these ladies did, you can find more information
and a link to register for Jog n' Hog here. The race takes place at Shady Brook Farm in Yardley, PA and features Uncle Daves Homemade Ice Cream's number one seller, Vanilla Beanie.

Prized Pig Trophies